

The goal of the pastoral internship is to equip and develop men who aspire to serve in a pastoral role in the church.  The pastoral intern(s) will serve under the supervision of the senior pastor and will work alongside the senior pastor and/or other church leaders to learn the day-to-day activities involved in pastoral service and church life.  Thus, the internship will include attending various meetings, outreach and inreach visitations, and working on various projects.  The pastoral intern is considered an unpaid member of the church staff.


The internship is open to any man who aspires to pastoral ministry and is a current member of Bethany Baptist Church, being therefore in agreement with the church’s covenant and statement of faith.


The pastoral intern will attend all worship services of the church, staff meetings, staff prayer times, deacon’s meetings, weddings, funerals, visitations and spontaneous meetings that occur week to week.  The intern’s work hours (if employed elsewhere) and class load (if in seminary) will be taken into account in his attendance of meetings during weekdays.  He may also be required to fill a primary or a substitute teaching role in a Sunday School class or Disciple-Connect group.  He will be expected to receive and respond to miscellaneous opportunities for service given by the pastor.

In addition to these tasks, the pastoral intern will be required to read selected books assigned by the pastor and submit a one-page (single-spaced) written review of each.  The pastor and pastoral intern will meet for debriefing after various meetings and will also have scheduled bi-weekly appointments for further mentoring and discussion of the assigned readings.